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Community Response and Support

We are focused on building community resilience by providing funding support for charities and non-profits working with our most vulnerable populations.

When we understood the devastating impact of COVID-19 on our community we realized that the demand for the social services sector would be amplified like never before. We also recognized that many agencies would either have to adjust their programs and services or cancel them entirely to protect not only clients and staff but the general public as well.

We knew that our investment experts would be closely monitoring the markets for our fundholders and that the stabilization fund we had in place meant we had 3 years of minimum grant distribution set aside for them so we could turn our time and energies towards initiatives to support our charitable sector.

Despite the challenges of working from home and collaborating via videoconferencing, it's all hands on deck as we connect with and respond to the needs of our local non-profits.

Our annual grants process is underway and the grant committee is currently evaluating the applications received. Recommendations will go to the Board for approval in June and monies will be distributed soon after.

We have partnered with the Surrey Board of Trade, The Saheli Foundation and the Surrey Now-Leader and launched the Surrey Community Relief Fund intending to raise $500,000. Proceeds from this fund are already being put to work and making a difference. Businesses and individuals are invited to help build the fund by donating here. We believe, with strong community support, we can make it to our goal and beyond so we can provide support to even more organizations on the front lines. Whether it's $5 or $500, with your help, we will get to $500,000.

We are proud to be working with Community Foundations of Canada and the Government of Canada to deliver funding locally in Surrey to ensure that our most vulnerable citizens are safe and healthy. Through the Emergency Community Support Fund, we will be granting over $900,000 to local charities supporting vulnerable populations. Applications are being received and assessed on a weekly rolling basis so that funding provided by the Government of Canada can flow swiftly to meet needs.

We want to thank all the community volunteers and non-profit organizations that are here for our community, in good times, challenging times and times of community crisis.

We are steadfast in our vision of a giving, connected community and moving forward with our mission to inspire donors, grow endowments and invest in people.



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