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Phoenix Society

Phoenix Society began in 1989 in response to the growing number of people in the community whose needs were not being met by the existing systems of care and social infrastructure.

Since then, Phoenix Society has grown from an idea, to its first recovery programs and is now a multi-faceted, integrated service provider that offers a variety of programs and support services, helping residents and program participants achieve positive outcomes in their lives.

Our Society’s founders saw that people flourish when conditions exist to meet their needs, hopes and dreams and that this happens in a community transformation providing reciprocal support and contributions.

Today, our organization is recognized for its vision and contribution to changes in public policy and leadership in the areas of social innovation and community development, that has furthered our goal of a more inclusive community.

In 2019 alone, Phoenix provided services to over 2,000 individuals through our addiction treatment, employment, transitional housing, corrections and outreach programs.

A key purpose of the Surrey-based Society is to provide housing and support services for people at multiple entry points on the continuum; we develop community-based projects that meet people where they are at, helping participants exit the cycle of addiction and homelessness and are regarded as having amongst the best outcomes in British Columbia.


    Homeless, Indigenous Communities, LGBTQ2S+, Persons with disabilities or special needs, Seniors, Veterans, Women


    Community Connections, Health & Wellness

For more information or to support our work

Contact Information:

Keir Macdonald


CRA Registration Number

89245 1931 RR0001


We'd like to thank the City of Surrey for allowing us to use many of their amazing photos of life in Surrey.


Phone: 604-591-2699

P.O. Box 34089, Surrey, BC,

Canada V3S 8C4

Charitable Registration:

892378043 RR0001

SurreyCares acknowledge that our work is carried out on the shared and unceded traditional territories of the Fraser Salish People, including the Kwantlen, Katzie, QayQayt, Semiahmoo, and Tsawwassen. We are grateful to the Indigenous peoples who have cared for these lands since time immemorial.

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