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Food Bank On Wheels

The service we provide which we did even before Covid-19 is a free Mobile Home Delivery Service.
We provide perishable & non-perishable food to Single Parent Families/Seniors & those with Disabilities who are poor & in need that cannot go to a regular Food Bank type organization due to illness or disability in the family.
Single Parent families are impacted especially hard.
Covid-19 has reaffirmed the need for this type of service.
The funds requested will allow our Charity to purchase perishable as well as non-perishable foods per hamper that is approximately 1-2 weeks of food depending on size of family
Proverbs 22:9 "The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor."
COVID-19 Food Bank Update
Due to Covid-19 we have experienced a 90% drop in food donations & 60% drop in monetary donations. We desperately need your help to buy perishable foods for our Home Delivered Food Hampers.
Single moms aren’t living in poverty because of poor personal choices. They are poor because of a combination of factors including:
Challenges of lone-parenthood
Lack of quality, affordable child care
Lack of safe, affordable housing
Low minimum-wage - "working poor"
Receiving Disability payments from the Government that are inadequately too low
Reduction to funding for education and support payments while trying to get an education, to pay the bills and feed their children.
Experiences with violent and abusive ex-partners that not only affect them but the children as well causing mental and physical challenges.
These are some reason single moms will require our monthly home delivered food hamper service.


    Children & Youth, Persons with disabilities or special needs, Seniors, Women


    Health & Wellness, Living Standards, Safety

For more information or to support our work

Contact Information:

James Silcox


CRA Registration Number

813658978 RR0001


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