Uniting for Impact
"The heart of SurreyCares Community Foundation is serving the people of Surrey who need it most so that no one is left behind. Our focus everyday is to advocate for those needs and ensure that funding is placed into the hands of not-for-profit organizations doing the good work on the ground - and coming alongside those teams. Together we are uplifting lives in Surrey using multiple channels at once.”
-John Lawson, Chairman
Unique newcomers welcomed to Canada
Cancer patients served in 2023
(Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society)
Individuals in need of mental healthcare served in 2023
(Canadian Mental Health Association)
Individuals with disabilities served in 2023
(Tetra Society of North America)
Counselling sessions provided in 2023
(Realistic Success Recovery Society)
Individuals struggling with homelessness served in 2023
(Raincity Housing and Support Society)

Community Services Recovery Fund
The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time investment from the Government of Canada of $400 million to help community service organizations (charities, non-profits, Indigenous governing bodies) adapt, modernize and be better equipped to improve the efficacy, accessibility and sustainability of the community services that they provide through the pandemic recovery and beyond.