Our Mission:

Through community, education, and partnerships, we support the destigmatization of sex work.


Nighttime Outreach

Our nighttime outreach is for the homeless and exploited identified women within our communities. HOPE volunteers go out seven nights a week at dusk in the downtown cores of Kelowna and Vernon with supply bags, including hygiene items, snacks, warm clothing, harm reduction, and more that attend to their immediate needs.

Bad Date Reporting

Bad Date Reporting to decrease and deter violence against identified women, provides information and resources to sex workers and exploited identified women to help them stay safe. HOPE Outreach collects this information from nighttime outreach shifts, or during any other times we encounter a need, and distributes to necessary service providers.

Narcan Team

We provide full training to our volunteers on how Narcan, anti-overdose program works. Naloxone is an anti-overdose drug for opiate users. Avid users can receive a free kit, so in the emergency of overdose, this can be administered and save lives.


Our two-hour orientations provide potential volunteers with training for street-level nighttime outreach, Bad Date reporting, Narcan training, and Harm Reduction training in Kelowna and Vernon.



We are looking for caring, compassionate identified women with a passion to make a difference in the community and help vulnerable women who are unable to help themselves. There are volunteer opportunities for both night-time outreach and other community activities.

Make a Donation

When you are donating to HOPE your money is going directly to our outreach services, supplies and programs! This allows us to continue to provide immediate and necessary supplies and supports to the exploited and vulnerable women of Kelowna and Vernon.